7 Earth size planets orbiting around star Trappist may hold life


For the first time astronomers have found a cluster of 7 earth sized planets orbiting a star by the name of Trappist. These planets are 40 light years away and they lie in the constellation of Aquarius. It has been pointed out that there are chances of life on these planets.

Three planets are in the habitable zone where there is possibility of water and life. Scientist in NASA have pointed out that they still need to do a lot of research and study these planets before they can conclude on the possibility of extra terrestrial life. According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology astrophysicist Sara Seager that there are chances of many more such planets in the Milky way.


Thomas Zurbuchen of NASA said that this discovery was like taking a step forward to determine the answer to the queation “Are we alone?”

Last spring Michael Gillon and his team found three planets, now the number has increased. This solar system is said to be similar to Jupiter and its moons. The Belgian astronomers built telescope to study these dwarf stars which had earlier been shunned by exoplanet hunters.